Electron 的治理体系是由分管 Electron 生态各部分的工作组和一支负责解决分歧的协调工作组构成的。
The Administrative Working Group (AWG) oversees the entire governance and project.
Oversees public API design based on project principles.
Oversees removal/bans from community.
Oversees the projects that make Electron app development easier.
Electron's Outreach Working Group is responsible for managing Electron's community presence through social media, the official Electron blog, the community Discord server, and usergroups (e.g. Electron China).
Oversees all release branches, and tooling to support releases.
Proactively ensures the Security of Electron as a project, responds to incoming incidents, and oversees rollout of fixes.
Oversees upgrades of upstream dependencies; specifically Chromium and Node.