Electron v5.0.0 Timeline
Pour la première fois, Electron est heureux de publier notre calendrier de publication à partir de la version 5. Il s’agit de notre première étape pour avoir une échéancière publique à long terme.
As mentioned in our v4.0.0 stable release blog post, we are planning to release approximately quarterly to maintain closer cadence with Chromium releases. Chromium releases a new version very quickly -- every 6 weeks.
Take a look at progression in Electron versus Chromium side-by-side:

In the last half of 2018, our top priority was releasing faster and catching up closer to Chromium. We succeeded by sticking to a predetermined timeline. Electron 3.0.0 and 4.0.0 were released in a 2-3 month timeline for each release. We are optimistic about continuing that pace in releasing 5.0.0 and beyond. With a major Electron release approximately every quarter, we're now keeping pace with Chromium's release cadence. Getting ahead of Chromium stable release is always a goal for us and we are taking steps towards that.
We would love to promise future dates like Node.js and Chromium do, but we are not at that place yet. We are optimistic that we will reach a long-term timeline in the future.
Dans cet esprit, nous prenons les premières mesures en publiant notre calendrier de publication pour la version 5.0.0. Vous pouvez trouver cela ici.
To help us with testing our beta releases and stabilization, please consider joining our App Feedback Program.